The no good very horrible day!

The no good very horrible day!

Today so far, no voice, sore throat, car quit on the way to work, tow truck was delayed, forgot to give the dealership the keys to the car, they had to send a driver to get them, it rained, and my shoe just broke.

Now I am laughing, because it won't do any good to cry.  It's obviously time to buy a lottery ticket because this has got to change!!!


5 thoughts on “The no good very horrible day!

  1. Love the spirit missy…given the track you were on you could either cry or laugh — laughing seems the better option. And a lottery ticket with the jackpot where it stands right now? Excellent idea! Here is to a better tomorrow!! xoxo

  2. Laughing in the face of all that disaster is the ONLY way to respond! Love it! I recommend more tea and butter – you deserve it. 🙂

  3. SORRY FOR ALL YOUR problems. If you can laugh, the world laughs with you. Keep smiling. Enjoy every moment. Love MOm

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