Tea & Butter


Today we are having breakfast at home, drinking tea, I'm going to fix Margie's knitting and give her some pointers. Then we're off to the theatre, home for dinner and I think, if we can still move, out to listen to some rock and roll.  I wish we could be together all the time. 

I love the label on this tea, "Marie Antoinette frolicking in a summer meadow". If we frolic in a meadow after drinking, we will be sure to take photos. Although if there was going to be frolicking in meadows, it would have happened yesterday bcause we visited eight or nine wineries (it gets hazy after a while).

In between wineries, we antique shopped, had a culinary delight of a lunch at Strewn and enjoyed an amazingly beautiful day. Early to bed last night after a light dinner of sushi salad and beer. 

The lemon cake I made is delicious. We decided that anything with a pound of butter in it has no choice but to be awesome. We now just call the cake, "Butter".  Pass the butter please.



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