
It's been an odd spring, hot, cold, wet, dry. I have had trouble keeping my place in the seasons. Winter and spring coats hang side by side in the closet, snow boots nestle against rain boots and the flip flops have worked their way back into the back hiding in the corner after the single warm weekend back in April. In some respects it almost feels like summer came and went without me.

This past weekend finally brought things into focus. It was appropriately sunny and the temperature felt right. I still layered up when we went out, "just in case". We rarely entertain overnight company in the winter and come May our spare bedroom starts to get booked up. It is a sure sign that the seasons have changed.

One of my favourite things to do is to bring my guests to Jordan, Ontario where you will find a "sanctuary for knitters, quilters and needle artists" called Stitch.

We arrived to find owner Jocelyn unpacking after a busy weekend at the quilt show in Oakville. I just knew this store would blow Margie's mind and I was right. We spent a long time fondling fabrics, oohing and awing over the yarns and samples, I came away with a little bird project and Margie bought some supplies for a project which might be a surprise for someone so I won't reveal it here.

Jocelyn good naturedly talked us through our fabric choices and let me take photos of her charming shop to share with you.


Margie is gone and is visiting Harry David, Mom is here visiting with me. My no good terrible week turned much better once I got Mom picked up at the airport.  

