spring fluff


wouldn't you love to see dandelion fluff

floating above a field filled with happy yellow flower weeds

spring cannot get here fast enough

i have a photo project in my head and 

no sun in the sky to help me

for starters let's just get the temperature above zero

by the way my prolific sister, kath

is over at vision and verb

i have a feeling she will put a smile on my face today

and maybe even yours

xo margie

5 thoughts on “spring fluff

  1. I’m with you on that. It’s been so chilly the last few days especially. And the backyard is still covered in snow. Boo.
    C’mon spring! :~)

  2. Winter has lasted so longer, I welcome dandelions and all “weeds”–any green things growing… I love this photo, Margie… Makes we want to blow for a wish. :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

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